You probably have the experience of missing a few credit payments. And lenders often automatically include a fee charge for non payment, this being the admin fees for your default account which will eventually require more follow through effort from the lender. In addition, your lender will include interest charges on the outstanding amounts as well. This is penalty for not paying your bills on time thereby incurring a certain amount of interest. To compound this scenario, worst of all you have created a ding on your credit, and hence a bad record in your credit report. If you ignore this outstanding balance and let it accumulate, expect to see your credit score reduce significantly.
Getting that Waiver is not the issue. Ego is.
You have a sure win choice. But you may not use it due to your ego. You could in actuality reduce or remove those late fee charges and additional interest charges in most cases. Call up the lender or your banker, and you probably will be waived of the charges. Lenders want to get paid, and if they believe that you will pay your bill more quickly by waiving the late fee and interest charges, they will more often than not remove the fee in exchange for prompt payment.
Face Up The Embarrassment And Salvage Your Credit Report Score.
The issue here is not how to get the charges waived, but more so on how you work around that huge ego of yours and rationalize between saving face and money. For some people, even the thought of asking for waiver over the phone is beyond them. This is also one key reason why some people choose to enlist the assistance of credit repair companies instead as getting a third party to help smooth out the embarrassment of asking lenders for grace periods, chargers waivers, negotiations are much easier than doing it themselves. Obtaining waivers on behalf of clients is the credit repair company top weapon as the first step in their repair service.
You Gain More Financially.
The greatest benefits of overcoming the embarrassment and doing the above yourself are that you are more committed to pay your bills in future, more soul searching and finally you do not incur any additional charges from credit repair companies. The best kept secrets in the credit Repair industry is that getting waivers for fee charges is the first and key services that they perform on behalf of clients. So imagine the amount you could have saved, your credit repair company service fee not to mention the late fee and interest charges if you could do it yourself, and at no cost too.
Joey Lee is a CFP and MBA with 17 years of banking, financial, business & marketing experience and a Platinum Ezine Author. Learn authentic Credit Repair skills and comprehensive information on Credit Repair Tips, credit reports, credit scores at
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